CREATE TABLE `test1` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `desc` varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
(1)以下查询会报错误:[Err] 1221 - Incorrect usage of UNION and ORDER BY
select * from test1 where name like 'A%' order by name
unionselect * from test1 where name like 'B%' order by name应改为:
select * from test1 where name like 'A%'
unionselect * from test1 where name like 'B%' order by name因为union中,在不用括号的情况下,只能用一个order by(想一想,如果union两边的order by的列名不一样会怎么样),这会对union后的结果集进行排序
(select * from test1 where name like 'A%' order by name)
union(select * from test1 where name like 'B%' order by name)这两个order by在union前进行
select * from test1 where name like 'A%' limit 10
unionselect * from test1 where name like 'B%' limit 20相当于
(select * from test1 where name like 'A%' limit 10)
union(select * from test1 where name like 'B%') limit 20即后一个limit作用于的是union后的结果集,而不是union后的select
(select * from test1 where name like 'A%' limit 10)
union(select * from test1 where name like 'B%' limit 20)